Saturday, March 27, 2010

glasses again

So, once again, it was off to try on glasses.  Quite a marathon event - including visits to 4 different places and pairs too numerous to count.  But - the choices were narrowed down.  I know which ones I like best.  What do you think?

Edit note:  I guess it was dangerous to put in the ones that I really didn't like, the ones that to me were a joke, since some people like those best.

Edit note #2 - So, I've decided.  Thanks for your input.  You'll have to see me when the glasses come in so you know which ones I picked.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Son gets in His eyes

"How can a righteous God look at me, a sinner, and see a precious child? Simple: The Son gets in his eyes."

This is an awesome quote I just found on Carolyn Arends' blog at  Perfect for any time, but especially apt for the season of Lent - for remembering what Christ did for us.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nativity Scenes Revisited

So, here they are.  All three of the nativity sets my friends and I made.  Same pattern.  Same collection of material.  Yes, there are similarities, but we each know which one is ours.  Three different quilts because we are all different people.  Reflecting the unique tastes and creativity that God has blessed us all with. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Decisions, decisions

So the time has come for the next step in life - buying prescription reading glasses. It seems that the drug store variety will no longer suffice. Or so says the optometrist. And I guess he should know. What to buy? Hmmm. Here are some different pairs that I tried on today. What do you think?

Edit note:  The pictures have been removed as I've made my choice.  The glasses are ordered.  And now I wait.  Patiently.