Sunday, November 20, 2011

Licking the Bowl Clean

"...taste the goodness of God and savor  long — not wolfing anything down because life is dessert  and worth licking the bowl right clean."
  Ann Voskamp on her blog A Holy Experience - Weekends are for Dessert

I've been pondering the words from Psalm 46:10 this last week or so.  "Be still and know that I am God."  And that means that I have to remind myself to be still.  It's a busy time for teachers right now as it is time to write report cards (although we always laugh and actually wonder what time, except for holidays, is not busy). And it is hard to be still when I feel the weight of the task.  It's a good task, I suppose, and an important one, but it can be all-consuming.  I didn't get as far as I wanted to yesterday (perhaps my goal was somewhat overly ambitious) and I found myself tempted to continue working on report cards today.  Seriously tempted.  Even though I have a firm policy about not doing school work on Sundays.  It even crossed my mind when I came home from church today.  It would be so easy to just take an hour or two and work on a few more.  It would make my week easier.  But would it really. 

I need to be still and rest.  (And sharpen my saw.  See a post from a couple of weeks ago.)  In my being still, I checked out a link from A Holy Experience.  And, to my surprise, there was some "stuff" there pointing me back to Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God."  I don't think that's a coincidence.

Here is some of what I found there. 

When God said for us to be still and know that He is God, I think He meant it as a gift for us. When the voice of the shame of inactivity becomes louder than the voice of grace, let that be a red flag of warning. Allow yourself to sit long enough so the anxiety gives way to rest.

Maybe I should consider scheduling in time for wonder.

It doesn't say be still and feel, it says be still and know.

.....leave room for your soul to breathe....
Chatting at the Sky   These may not all be on this post, but they are from this blog (I'm pretty sure).

So, today, I am trying to wait for the anxiety about getting report cards done to dissipate.  And looking to give my soul room to breathe.  This is one way.  To focus on the gifts God has given me in the last week.  The ones I have seen, anyway.

672) the bright light of moonlight in the dark night sky
673) coming home to a clean house (Thanks, K.V.)
674) coming home and finding that the snow has been cleared from my sidewalk.
675) being able to do the same for my neighbours
676) parent of a student who volunteers - last minute - to help out for a field trip, responding to a need
677) successful art projects completed by students
678) silk long underwear
679) the delight of students after playing outside
680) the generosity of a student to another student
681) the other student's willingness to accept her offer
682) the student in turn trying to find a hat for another classmate to wear
683) a student demonstrating her desire to learn
684) someone who willingly helps me out by watching my students so I could meet with a parent (Thanks, S.C.)
685) playing with words and having fun with sentences
686) laughing with students
687) administrators who are willing to go outside with students during cold weather
688) a warm home
689) hot peppermint tea
690) sunny blue Alberta skies

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